My childhood dream was to run a kindy of my own. What I used to term the one-of-a-kind kindy. My dream kindy would include academic work to get the brain going, day care with trustworthy people to look after the little bubbles (for the working parents), along with enrichment classes (music/dancing lessons), and hobby/play groups all packed into one. Almost like a one stop shop. I used to always say all the teachers I employ must love kids as much as I do. Hahhaha, asking a bit too much there, I reckon! Well, when you are young and naive, your thoughts reflect.
However I still think my dream job would include children and travelling. Children for how adorable they are, and travelling for I get bored of things/places pretty easily. Maybe not a kindy, maybe a developmental centre, one day...
Funny how I grew up having little to do with kids; I am amazed by how I manage to handle them just quite well. This one in particular, my little lady, never fails to make my day. I would openly admit that I spoil her rotten. Sometimes playing with her is the most therapeutic thing. I quite enjoy being silly with her, and then see her generously offering her giggles, hugs, and kisses.