Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Just a random thought...I wonder what would the future look like for me??

I entertain this thought from time to time, think for a while until no conclusions can be made, feel a bit restless and unsure and usually let out a long sigh as I snap myself back to reality. It is scary sometimes when you do think to yourself, "gee if this or that had/n't happen, I'd be doing this or that?!?!?" I don't regret for the things I have done or have not done in the past. I am looking forward to a hopeful future. Just that at this point in time, future seems way too far away. As I slowly sail through my here and now, I sometimes wish someone/something could assure me that my future can look a certain way.

As I said, just a random thought...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ello says Hello!

Ello is a new pet I received a little over three weeks ago...Apparently the person who gave it to me said that elephant symbolizes strength, humbleness and hard work. Upon receiving Ello, the student in me had decided to sit him upon a pedestal on my study desk to remind me of it's wonderful traits as a strong, humble and hardworking animal. I immediately fell in love with it and wish to share that with you. If you are wondering what could be of guidance to you this year, maybe try being like Ello?!?!? ;) (p/s: that's Ello after having McD's for breakfast...it's all full and very satisfied with both food and toy!)

Fruit of the week: "Be Encouraged!"
Whatever that you are pursuing at this point in time, please be reminded to "be encouraged". Sometimes, it's easy to lose sight of the greater picture when we only dwell on current our pains/obstacles. Let us be encouraged to continue fighting the battle and work hard at achieving whatever we've have set out to achieve! =) Gambate!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Warming Up!

Slowly warming up to the load...After not seeing clients for about a month and a bit, it almost feels like all skills harvested before the holidays just conveniently flew out the window. Sad, ain't it?!?

At times like this, it helps to remind myself that "I am here to learn!" Though different supervisors means different approach and what not, I still only have one objective that I cling on to, "I choose this site to get my hands dirty, and therefore soaking my hands in mud and shit is expected for the sake of L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!"

Though the brain engine does take a bit more time to warm up to the demands, I must not lose sight, and always remember that my "BEAUTIFUL HEART" is polished to be "SERIOUS" and "PURPOSEFUL".

Sunday, January 17, 2010

External Practicum

I don't really know how to describe my feelings at the moment. I'm one step closer to becoming a professional?? I don't know if I can put it that way...anyway tomorrow will mark the beginning of my External Practicum. Along with excitement of seeing REAL DEAL clients, I'm also very anxious about my own capabilities. I'm not sure if it's self-confidence but I have a feeling it's not. It's more like knowing I'd be thrown into the deep sea, not having my 10 other classmates there to vent and to support when things get a lil rough is quite daunting! It's at times like this that makes me realise how much my fellow classmates have contributed to the successful completion of my last 3 semesters! Not easy at all, but with them, they make it easiER. Together we shared our load, we embraced in each others' successes, we support each others' weaknesses, we encourage, we played, we fought (and we fought hard!), we did most things as a team. Now that we'll be going our separate ways as we start our external practicum, I wish each and every one of us the best of luck! Though we'll be seeing lesser of each other, let's not forget how efficient we were as a team and let's continue to be of encouragement to each other!

Is does sound like I'm going through separation anxiety...whatever it is, the lil stress that I'm feeling could just be a good thing I hope! =)

To External Practicum! =)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings!

I've never done anything like this before, and to add to it, I have never thought I was competent enough to be holding down a job like that...I guess to a new beginning, I shall dig up my courage, have a taste of it, let my hair down, and enjoy myself??

I was selected as a teaching assistant for one of the subjects along with another coursemate! Woohoo! "Congratulations, Chelle!" I know...for those of you who know me, you know how much this sort of thing isn't really my kinda thing? But hey, to everything, there is first! And to this, how else would I wanna have a taste of it if it was not one of the subjects I am passionate about? Anyway, I see this as a milestone in my life. And to those who say "never" to some things, think again! "Never say never..." for you never know when you'll be called up!

As with my new year resolution to keep my dreams at heart and to fight hard for them, I think this is a fantastic place to start! =) Everyone out there, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I know this will be a great year, so play hard, folks!