ANGEL WORM...This pair really did look like ANGELs when I took a picture of them with flash on...the bigger beads were like the bodies and heads and the hooks looking like halos. Anyway, baby blue Swarovski beads at the bottom, climbing up to white glass frost beads, then smaller blue glass frost beads and top off with white glass frost beads again. Silver spacers were used in between beads to break the softness and to display a classy look!! *Ahem* Today is a special day, that is why I insisted on making something out of the beads to mark this day!! =) It's my grandma's birthday!! "Happy Birthday Po-Po and I love you very much!!" My grandma is my favourite old person in this whole wide world!! I recall how she used to "shield" me from getting spanked by my mommy when I was naughty as a kid!! My grandma is also my favourite cook ever!! No one beats my grandma when it comes to cooking...she cooks absolutely yummy food and very creative in thinking of what to cook for the family 24-7!! What would I do without my grandma?? Hmmm...get spanked all the time?? Ahahhahaha!! Anyway, I wish her a very happy birthday, stay pwetty all the time and I can't wait to see her at my graduation!! Yay!! Another good news on this special day...John went for his job assessment today...and guess what?? His supervisor is very happy with his performance at work and has decided to renew his contract next month!! Woo-hoo!! His supervisor said his review was done and the results were very positive...his colleagues say that he's generally a very polite person (and I went, "HUH??? POLITE?!?!?"), helpful (and I went, "WHAT?? HELPFUL?!?!"), willing to keep himself updated with the latest information on IT related stuff (that, I have to agree...), willing to follow up on his work and heaps more of good reviews that I can't even remember, ahahahhahah!! Ok, I must give him some credit...he does indeed take his work seriously and is really dedicated to doing a good job. He's an extremely handy-man when it comes to IT related stuff. He takes pride in what he does and only believes in doing the best...so for these reasons, I think he deserves a new contract too, ahahahhaha!! Congrats John!! Keep up the good work...see, I told you, people do notice your good job!! =) Yay!! *two thumbs up* And today, someone got me a little gift too!! *WinK* I got a new toe-ring, finally!! *Phew* Thanks dear!! ;)
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Hey "ChelleZ~*", just found your site on a search for love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi and thanks! :)
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Hi ChelleZ~*,
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