HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY!! Life...Life is like a playground...you play hard and you fall hard, you pick yourself up and you play again...fall, and up and play again...it goes on and on and on till one day you're sick of this playground, you'll just knock off!! Last night a group of us got together to celebrate Tony's (my ex-(Payne Street)housemate) 22nd birthday. As I was sitting there just looking at each of us a thought crossed my mind...each of us, from different backgrounds, different walks of life, different mentality, different needs, different wants, different desires, different perspectives...haih...very different in so many ways, but yet ironically so alike in so many ways as well!! Each has different stories to tell, different things happening in their lives, different pace of life...!! I only meet these guys probably at most twice or three times each year for a get together to celebrate birthdays, etc., but yet everytime we get together, everyone is in a different phase of life...As I observed through conversations and talks, we're all playing different scenes in different playgrounds. Some played on the same field before, some stopped by but didn't quite like it, some never even been to where others have gone before...somehow couple of times a year we'll all meet in this particular playground and revisit where we left the last time. Some would continue to climb the monkey bar, some just slide down the spiral slide, some just sit and watch, some waiting for their turns...but whatever it is, what's important is that which ever playground you're playing on, play with respect, confidence and pride...do not lose yourself in your own playground. Hold on to your own beliefs, never let anyone let you down...if you fall, pick yourself up and try again!! If it doesn't work, hop on to another playground...!! Life's a playground itself...Love it!!
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