Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is a very special day. A day where we celebrate my special man. Thank you for giving me all your love and all the fun you've shared with me. I truly appreciate our special father-daughter relationship which cannot be replaced by anyone/anything else in this whole wide entire world. I thank God for such an incredible being like you. You feed me, you love me, you clothed me, you pamper me, you please me, you care for me, you respect me, you carry me through, you stick by me, you cheer me on, you listen, you forgive, you sacrificed, you fix things for me, you pull my hair up, you tie ribbons for me, you buy me girly stuff, you drive me around, you play with me, you encourage me, you praise me, you keep me safe, you give you everything I're just incredible! And for all that you have done for me, I'd like to thank you and I'd like you to know how so very much I love you and how so very special you are to me! To the very special man in my life, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Daddy, I wish you happiness and good health and you will have many many many good returns and many many many special birthdays more to come! I love you daddy! -XOXO- mich.

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