It's been quite a day...
But I quite enjoyed it.
My day started at the clinic where drilling started with my supervisor. I must say it was a very constructive session where I got drilled where appropriate and needed. She was actually pretty lenient with such a inadequate supervisee like myself. I sincerely hope that by the end of my supervision with her, I would have learnt a lot from her and able to be a better person at my job.
The next part of my day, I was invited to speak about my experience in surviving Australia as an International student. I was so nervous that one part I just blurted out, "What the hell!" real loudly, hahahah! I spoke so fast that I couldn't put a pause at what I was saying. I must say I felt really honoured being invited to participate in this event with people I used to work with in Brisbane. Brought back lots of memories. I used to view these people being my superior, and out of a sudden, that superiority schema which I set them upon just disappeared. Now it almost feels like we're on the same level. It was a very tiring day but at the end of it, I wished I could engage in that kinda tiredness once more. It's tiredness that I can put a period and go home not thinking about work for tomorrow. Where else as a student, my days are never ending, in that when I get home today, I still have to finish my work for tomorrow and prepare for tomorrow's lesson and that sucks! My day rolls on and on, and on and on... Suck big time!
The drilling is part of learning! Remember not to be too hard on yourself! Afterall you are still a "Trainee"
Good job at the pre departure thingy, it takes courage to stand in front of a crowd to share about your experiences! I'm sure those students were appreciative of your effort and have gone home with a better understanding of life as a student in Brissy!
Nice cap and a even nicer USB stick (yes me geek)!
Hang in there ya! You can do it! Ni Ker Yi! Gambate!
Hey babe,
hang in there...ur days as a student would be over soon without u even knowing it and then u will start missing it and dreading work life all over again..hehehe...
rem to work hard and relax at the same time too k...til we meet again...will always keep u in my prayers....take care =)
John: Initially when I first peeked into the gift bag put together by UQ SBS, I thought they were so generous to give me a mobile phone =) But, the USB stick is quite cool la.
Geri: Thanks for the encouragement, means a lot!;)
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