SUPRE`...Muahhahahahhahah!! I can't believe myself, I went for the group interview!! I thought everyone who was interested could just show up...but aparently not!! Only those who were shortlisted were invited for the interview!! That was a bit of a esteem-booster statement!! ANyway, I was a bit nervous at first as I don't know what to expect from a group interview coz I've not been invited for any sort of group interview before!! Lung said they could give us math sums to do and also ask us heaps of question to see who shouts the loudest "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!!" Alriteeee, Lung was 1/2 correct!! There was no math sums involved but they did ask quite a few questions!! Firstly, the "Hi, my name is Michelle...ta da ta da ta da..." part, then they asked us to go around the shop, pick out an outfit that we would wear if we were to work there and why!! That part was pretty easy...I picked out a colourful flare, dressy top to go with a white skinny leg...why?? Coz it's colourful and happy and easy going and bla bla bla!! Then 3rd question was the classic "why do you wanna work in Supre`??" Well, it's all about saying every good thing about Supre` (
After the whole thing, I just walked out and wondered for a while..."
Hmmm, people here are rather interesting??" From what they say it's a lot of fun but definitely a lot of hard work too...c'mon, Supre` is sooooooooooo packed on late night shopping days and weekends!! Face the fact, most Supre` girls wear a black face 1/2 way through the day anyway!! Okay back to the interesting people...the manager asked me, "So tell us a little about yourself..." and I replied, "Hi, my name is Michelle, I'm 21 yrs old..." Then I asked, "What else do you wanna know about me??" She just looked at me, smiled and then continued..."What about clubbing?? Partying?? Do you do any of those?? What do you do on a weekend?? Party with your friends?? Tell us...let us know more about you!!" And I just quickly and briefly thought to myself, "
You mean how much I club and party defines who I am and my chances of getting a job here??
That's weird!!" Anyway, I just thought I'd go with the flow and so I babbled, "Oh, yes...clubbing of course, so love it...drinking with my friends all the time, hanging out...partying...yes!!"
LIKE AS IF!! Muahahhahahhahahah!! *Biggest lie told* Well, I'm not saying anything wrong with partying and clubbing, in fact I do enjoy clubbing and partying although obviously I don't go
every weekend...but isn't it a bit bimbotic to let those things define who we are?? Moreover all the other 10 who were there, all sooooooooo love partying, clubbing, alcohol, etc etc etc, like their lives revolve around partying and clubbing and alcohol alone...like without those they
so can't survive!! That was really something to laugh about...I wonder if they were all like me, trying to just go with the flow, out to impress the missy manager since she was soooooooooo enlightened when she mentioned the words PARTYING and CLUBBING!! Muahhahahahhaah!! I guess that's probably why it's said to be so much fun working there...coz their culture is to
CLUB whenever they are not at work. Maybe I should give that a try and see how big a hole would my pocket be burnt!! Ahahahhahahha, and not to mention I was the OLDEST among them all!! *sad* There were 4 who were 15 (
omigawd, sooooooooooooo young!!), some 16, some 19, 2 who were 21 and I am 22 this year!! Oh no!!
Anyway, if I get the job, good...new environment, new people, new job, new image?!?!? But if I don't, I don't really care...coz I really just wanted to go to give myself a shot at group interviews...now I've
tried that and
done that, it's not too bad...I'd say, better group interview than one-to-one interview!! =)