Monday, August 28, 2006

8:30pm...driving around, looking for a bin...

And so it was 8:30pm, we were driving around looking for a bin. Great! Why is it so freaking hard to get rid of unwanted goods = junk?? Driving...STOPPPPPP! Construction site! Surely there has to be a bin around...*peeps*...*neck stretching*...*eyes narrowing* it! And along we it, we spotted a padlock sitting nicely like a smile beeming at us on the gate entering the contruction site too...definitely a no, no! We don't want to get caught trespassing. Keep driving...driving...up slope...come on Barina...keep pumping fuel...keep driving...FOUND ITttttttttt! A BIN!!!, don't's a chanined up bin! *What the...!!* Continue on second gear, keep driving...keep driving...StoPPPPPPpppp! BIN! Heck, it's contained in a 4 feet high wall...another *What the...!*-experience. Keep driving...suddenly a jerk in the car and a sharp change of direction, Mr Leonard found a BIN! Well done...a bin that had a chain around it, but we've decided to be uncivilized if by all means this bin is also chained, we were just gonna leave our treasures on the ground next to the bin. But wo, wo...we got lucky! The chain was somewhat for decorative purposes, it had a chain around the bin but the padlock was (fortunately for us) undone! Finally we began our operation...doors opened, four removalists hopped out the car and our operation begun! Throw, throw, throw!! Never have we experienced such satisfaction in disposing our garbage before! It's nuts here in Brisbane...can someone please explain what is the logic behind locking up bins and not sharing space for trash to stay in a place where they belong?!??!?!? Such an experience! If disposing your trash in a bin is what you ought to do, then why do we feel so bloody illegal disposing ours?? Another strange-but-true expereince!

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