Monday, December 19, 2005

MY FIRST CROCHET PROJECT...And to those who thinks I'm better with tools like screwdriver, hammer and nails...ahahhahahha, think again!! ;) Here's my first crochet project...few flowers to be attached to a bag I knitted few months back. I've always wanted to crochet but no one I knew had the knowledge (or patience) to teach me...till I finally pestered aunty Tess hard enough!! =) She went to kidnap a few sheep from the nearby kampung in order to get me some yarn to learn, ahahhahahha, and melted some metal for the crochet needle, ahahahahahhah!! And so here it first ever crochet project!! =) And to those who think I can' t do such girlie stuff...ahahhahah, proven you wrong, haven't I?? =)


Anonymous said...

Good job.

ChelleZ~* said...

Thanks, Thanks guys!! =)