Wednesday, April 09, 2008

BBQ stinks!

Okay, barbeque sticks! As if you didn't know that yet!??!?!?

Today as part of my job description which includes "...and other relevant responsibilities given", I had to barbeque! For the first time in my life, I had to cook a massive lot of onions to feed hundreds of hungry students. And so I got right into it by ripping open a 1kg bag of sliced up onion and shoved my hand right in to grab a few hand-full of onion for the flaming hot pit. Now this was at 12pm okay. The time now is 11:30pm and I swear my hand smells like some disgusting body odour of some random person who's forgotten to shower for daysssssss!! 

I do cook occasionally and therefore fiddling with onions is no big deal to me. BUT seriously, my hand had never smelt this bad before! I am not kidding you, the smell of my hand makes me want to puke! Ewwwwwww!

Note to all: When (need be) to deal with large volume of chopped up onions, please do not attempt direct contact with any part of your skin to avoid vomiting sensation (you will thank me for this warning!). 


Anonymous said...

nice job.. do you get to eat as well ? ;)

Anonymous said...

omg. ONYONS!! poor michelle.. can't imagine how you typed out a blog post with stinky hands. i will have super aversion due to overexposure and overdose to onions if i were you!

Anonymous said...

Wow....a chef! I like cooking.

ChelleZ~* said...

Yes, yes...I got to eat, but when it was my turn to eat, only 1/3 of a sausage was left and no more bread and no more coleslaw!! =(

Stinky hands and no food!! =(

So totally onion-overdosed!! Boo, yucks!!