Tuesday, July 06, 2010


When do you know is time to move on? Guess it will never be a time you know. Moving on is simply a sign of maturity. You and I, we've chased something we both know we can never achieve. Time to put a stop to something that has no end to it. All the heartaches, though painful but can be swept aside. Let's wipe it out and start over. Through it all, we lived and we learnt. You never know just how much it meant, but guess nothing is important anymore. Some things we cannot explain by words and words alone. Let's not make it any more difficult. What's been hurtful's hurt enough. That, which is a lesson, make it a lesson worth learning. Looking back to things of the past is nothing but a waste of time and not to mention an added baggage to us both. Forward thinking is the way to go. Bury the bitterness of yesterday, let the fights end, and the tears dry. Rejoice in the sweetness of today. Tomorrow will be a new day. New day calls for new dreams and new directions. Let maturity lead you to everything that is good. Fight no more for it's time to let go and move on...


Anonymous said...

Maybe the person whom you always naively thought hasn't moved on, already done so, long long ago...

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are the one who didn't move on. You should by not writing about the past. Unless you can't give up the sweet memories. :)

ChelleZ~* said...

Hi Anonymous and Anonymous...thanks for your comments! It could just be that the person is me? The one whom I naively thought hasn't moved on but actually already did so? And at the same time the one who didn't move on, clining on to sweet memories? Anyway, whatever it is or whatever it is not, all's good! Today is a new day, and I am excited for tomorrow! =)